Office Location
608 West 12th Street, Suite B Austin, TX 78701
legalassistant@wm-attorneys.comCASE DISMISSED after repetitive diligence with the State on the true facts of the matter. Judge commented on the finesse of the attorneys in open court, admitting she had never seen such a lenient result achieved for this particular charge.
Client sought out our office to help him remove a felony conviction from 1999. Defense counsel convinces the Board of Pardons and Paroles to recommend the defendant be pardoned. The board agrees, however all are devastated to learn the Governor of Texas rejected the board’s recommendation and refused the pardon. Defense counsel doesn’t quit and appeals the original conviction to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. In a groundbreaking decision, the appellate court overturns the conviction even though it occurred 25 years ago!
Case DISMISSED upon presenting prosecutors with evidence of phone records and text message that prove that the complaining witness was dishonest in her account of the incident in question.
Client was facing 10-15 years in Federal Prison heading into sentencing hearing. The Government had all the proof they needed for a conviction. Defendant follows attorney’s advice from the onset regarding counseling, bond adherence, mitigating information, etc. At sentencing hearing, client is sentenced by the Federal Judge to Probation. Judge acknowledges in open court that this is the first time in his judicial career that he has ever sentenced a defendant to probation rather than federal prison for this type of offense.
Case DISMISSED at suppression of evidence hearing because the arresting officer did not have reasonable suspicion to pull over the defendant for a traffic violation.
Client arrested for Evading Arrest even though the alleged driver was not taken into custody until weeks after the incident. Probable cause arrest based upon investigating officer’s description of the offender combined with the vehicle in question being registered to client. Defense counsel makes the case to prosecutors that the alleged driver could have just as easily been the defendant’s TWIN BROTHER!!! Case is DISMISSED because the State knows they cannot prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.
Client happened to be wearing a GPS device from another incident at the time of the allegations. Defense counsel gathers the GPS data and provides indisputable proof that client could not have been present at the time of the robbery.
Defense counsel discovers that the actual allegations occurred just outside of the jurisdiction of Williamson County. Upon notifying the prosecutors all 4 cases are DISMISSED.
Client faced 2-20 years in prison due to being arrested while on probation for a felony drug charge. The State did not indict the new case within the statutory time frame. Defense counsel gets the new charge dismissed and client’s PROBATION NOT REVOKED.
608 West 12th Street, Suite B Austin, TX 78701