Office Location
608 West 12th Street, Suite B Austin, TX 78701 512-369-3737 get directionIf you’re a registered sex offender in Texas, you’ll have a lot of restrictions placed on your freedom. Whether or not you can use social media depends on the details of your case. If you were using social media, for exampl...
Aggravated sexual assault is one of the most serious criminal offenses that a person could face in Texas. If you ultimately incur a conviction on an aggravated sexual assault charge, you will most likely be looking at extremely...
The Texas Penal Code sets out many different types of criminal conduct for which people can face harsh penalties. Some people might think they can handle seemingly minor criminal cases on their own, but this is never wise. If y...
Few criminal offenses carry the same degree of social stigma as sex crimes. Texas has numerous kinds of sex offenses, ranging from statutory infractions based on the age of the people involved in a consensual encounter to viole...
608 West 12th Street, Suite B Austin, TX 78701 512-369-3737 get direction