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608 West 12th Street, Suite B Austin, TX 78701 512-369-3737 get directionIf you’re facing charges for some sort of physical violence directed at your family, you may be as surprised as anyone else. You don’t feel like you’ve acted in a violent manner and you certainly never meant to do anything that was illegal. But your spouse has now, perhaps, claimed that you are a perpetrator of abuse, and you’re worried about your reputation, your relationship with your children and your criminal record.
You may find yourself wondering exactly why this has happened. Perhaps you and your spouse have had your differences in the past, or maybe you’re even heading for a divorce. But why have they made these types of accusations?
First and foremost, if you are going to get a divorce, it’s important to note that false accusations are sometimes made around this time. The reason for this is that the courts tend to want to split custody between two parents. One of the few reasons why they will assign sole custody is if there is evidence of abuse or violence within the home.
As such, there is a chance that your spouse has made these accusations in order to give themself a better chance to get sole custody of the children. If you believe this is the case, then it’s very important for you to understand all the legal options you have, both in a criminal sense, and in regards to family court.
Another potential reason is that you and your spouse may just disagree on the lines between abuse or discipline. Generally, speaking, discipline is not supposed to be “too excessive,” or it becomes a form of abuse.
But saying that something is too excessive or that it goes too far is subjective. That’s just a judgment call by both people that were involved. There is certainly a chance that your spouse could claim you did something wrong when you honestly believe you were only disciplining the child and did not cross any lines.
Regardless of exactly why you’re facing these accusations, you can see how important it is to understand all of the legal options at your disposal.
The founder of the Law Office of David D. White, PLLC: Austin Criminal Lawyer, has been defending the rights of criminal defendants in Austin, Texas since 2008. We are a client-centered law firm where we fight to preserve the presumption of innocence on behalf of our clients in every criminal case we take. We believe that everyone is entitled to a fair trial and we strive to provide our clients with the best possible defense to ensure that this is true.
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The state assault law found under Texas Penal Code § 22.01 states that a person commits an assault when they: Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly cause bodily injury to another person, including their ...
This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by attorney, David D. White who has more than 20 years of legal experience as an Austin Criminal Defense Lawyer.
608 West 12th Street, Suite B Austin, TX 78701 512-369-3737 get direction